Monday 21 February 2011

Me And My Work

 I’m a very enthusiastic, self motivated person. I take a lot of pride in my work and always put in the effort and time needed to achieve the highest standard I can.  I’m very outgoing, positive person and good with people this has helped me greatly in working with models establishing good working relationships .This is reflected in some of the images on my blog. I’m a very versatile photographer and I am keen to keep seeking opportunities to work in new areas to extend my skills and experiences to date. I have a good working knowledge of both film and digital photography shooting and editing images on software and also in the darkroom using both colour and black and white film.
I have chosen the images below as I feel they show my wide range of skills and interest. I have been practicing photography now for over three years and I still love everything about it, the shooting, developing and editing. I love how in photography you can always learn more and see new things and continue to develop an image or idea. I was very pleased with my vintage portraits; these were shot for a fashion/portraiture project. I shot the images on digital and used software to add the vintage mask; I used clothing and make-up to enhance the vintage feel. My location choice enhanced the overall vintage feel.  Another image I’m very proud of is the self portrait at Bradford Interchange, I used a tripod and a long shutter speed to get the train motion blur in the background. I was especially pleased as it was a self portrait and I only had one shot to get it correct and I did. I am looking forward to being given the opportunity to continue to develop as a photographer. I hope to be speaking in more  depth about my work and ambitions soon. Thank you.         

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